Chase on Smart Energy

Dave Chase's observations of developments and opportunities in the emerging Smart Energy field.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Smart Grid Technology Timeline

As a tech industry guy, Jesse Berst (head of the Center for Smart Energy) does a nice job of drawing parallels that I understand between technology adoption in the PC and Internet industries with what’s likely to happen in the Smart Grid arena. As he states, “The Smart Grid is likely to pass through eight phases. Or, to put it another way, eight key Smart Grid sectors are likely to hit their tipping points one after another, in roughly the order shown below.” He goes into detail on the following 8 stages of development in this article:

1. Sensors – detecting the data.

2. Communications – moving the data.

3. First-level integration – collecting the data.

4. Centralized control – using the data for visualization and control.

5. Security – protecting the data.

6. Full integration – integrating the data with the rest of the business.

7. Services and applications – using the data in new ways

8. Full automation and optimization – using the data to let the grid “run itself.”


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